Alexis Gulliver

Alexis Gulliver

Alexis has practiced many different styles of yoga: YogaWorks, Power Yoga, Anusara Yoga and Ashtanga Yoga. She draws inspiration from all of these styles when she teaches. It is important to her that her classes are intelligent, targeted and strong and she attaches great importance to a good dose of humor to lighten up the practice. Alexis gives '200 hour Yoga Alliance certified yoga programs' and is also the founder of , a website that offers yoga, pilates and fitness videos.

Alexis says 'I practice yoga because I can't help it. When I practice, I am able to go through life with a little more grace and ease.

Practicing and studying yoga influences the way I see life and the relationships I have. It makes me feel healthy, energetic and more balanced, both physically and mentally.

Her passion in life is to grow personally, also to share that with others and inspire people with all the wonderful experiences she has been blessed with.