Fascia Yoga: Strengthen your connective tissue

Fascia Yoga: Strengthen your connective tissue

Making the body more supple in a gentle way: This is fascia yoga. With many Gentle yoga styles such as Yin Yoga focus on our connective tissue. Fascia yoga exercises are characterized by gentle stretches, flowing movements and intensive feeling of your own body. We will explain to you what fascia actually is and why every person should take part in a yoga class for the fascia from time to time.

Fascia is an important part of our human connective tissue. They give our entire body stability by enveloping almost everything: muscles, organs, bones, blood vessels, nervous system. The fascia forms a holistic tension network and connects all parts of our body with each other. The term fascia is derived from the Latin word “fascia”, which means “band” in German.

For a long time, however, science and medicine did not attach great importance to fascia. That has changed in recent years. According to experts, fascia forms an important structural system in our body. And – if they are stuck together – they can be the cause of pain. The causes of adhesions can be stress, overwork or even an incorrect diet.

Yoga with fascia in focus: How does it work and who is it suitable for?

Fascia yoga is a very passive style of yoga. That's the difference to “classic” yoga - and that's what makes the stretching exercises so special. In a fascia yoga class you usually hold the asanas much longer than in active and dynamic yoga styles such as Power yoga or Vinyasa yoga. Fascia yoga exercises are held for three to five minutes in order to permanently loosen the adhesions in the connective tissue. Connecting exercises between the passive and postures are performed in a gentle and flowing manner.

Listening to your own body and feeling the body's own signals is a particularly important aspect here. The exercises become adapted to your own physical capabilities and not the other way around. If you pay attention to this, the full effect on your connective tissue can unfold.

Questions you can ask yourself when practicing fascia yoga:

  • Where is the tension in the body most intense?
  • How far can I stretch without feeling pain?
  • How can I make the exercise comfortable for me?

Supple fascia ensures greater mobility and flexibility in the body, meaning the entire body is better supplied with nutrients and fluids. When used correctly, fascia yoga exercises can also help relieve chronic pain - if you need help in this matter, be sure to seek advice from a competent yoga teacher. But now to the exercises...

Fascia yoga: exercises

When doing fascia yoga, you are welcome to use aids that help you adapt the respective posture to your physical needs. It's best to prepare yoga blocks, a blanket and pillows or bolsters to train your fascia tissue. You can also incorporate a foam roller into the yoga session. Otherwise, as always, you need a yoga mat and comfortable, warm clothing that you feel comfortable in.

Since the fascia tissue only stretches very, very slowly, the focus when practicing is on passive postures. To get in the mood for a round of fascia yoga, you can, for example, start with a conscious round of cat-cow. This mobilizes your spine and you can prepare yourself for the upcoming exercises with deep breaths.

attitude of the child

Particularly popular are opening exercises for the hip flexors, heart openers and intensive stretches for the shoulders and arms or the glutes. In yoga for the fascia we come across asanas such as Happy Baby, the dove, sphinx or eagle arms.

Sphinx yoga pose

Pidgeon yoga pose

Yin yoga poses

Fascia yoga for beginners: exercises

It's best for beginners to approach the intensive effects of fascia yoga with simple postures. Exercises such as the seated forward bend are particularly suitable for this, which can be supported, for example, under the knees with a yoga bolster or under the head with a yoga block. Or the child position, in which you stay for three to five minutes.

In the beginning it's all about feeling exactly where the tension is in the body. Send your breath to this place and try to answer the questions mentioned above for yourself. Build between the Passive exercises always introduce dynamic exercise sequences that you carry out consciously and in connection with your breathing. These movement sequences also mobilize and stimulate your blood circulation.

Fascia yoga for shoulders and neck

The fascia tissue adapts to our everyday postures. We tend to sit too much in a hunched position at the computer. It is therefore not surprising that many people suffer from fascial adhesions in the shoulder and neck area. The fascia yoga method is therefore particularly suitable for counteracting problems in the upper body and preventing tension pain.

If you suffer from tension in your shoulders and neck, you should pay particular attention to one thing when practicing fascia yoga: place particular focus on your jaw and tongue, and consciously let go in the facial area while you practice yoga.

In order to provide relief in the fascia tissue of the To ensure the shoulder area, you can, for example, place two yoga blocks in a T shape on your yoga mat. Place one block vertically between your shoulder blades and the other horizontally so that you can rest your head comfortably on it. Then extend your arms to your left and right at shoulder height and bring the soles of your feet together so that your knees fall relaxed to the left and right. Let yourself consciously sink into the position. After holding the exercise for several minutes, stand up very slowly. When doing fascia yoga, it is important to come out of the passive exercise particularly gently so as not to overtax the stretched tissue.

Relieving Yin Yoga exercises

Add a few rounds of cat-cow to mobilize your spine and stretch your neck. Then sit in the heel seat to practice the eagle. To do this, spread your arms out to the left and right at shoulder height, cross your right arm in front of your upper body over your left arm as you exhale and then intertwine your forearms so that your two palms touch in front of your face. Hold the stretch for several breaths and then repeat on the other side.

To compensate, move into the child's position for three to five minutes. You can place your arms behind you next to your body, but the exercise has a more stretching effect on your shoulders if you keep your arms stretched out in front. End your fascia yoga session with an extensive Savasana.

Fascia yoga strengthens our connective tissue in a unique way. Our entire body is a complex system that is held together by, among other things, the fascial tissue. When we are under stress and tension, our fascia tissue reacts with adhesions. Fascia yoga exercises can help keep the body flexible and supple. Through the special type of stretching, we get to know our “weak areas” better and automatically prevent pain.