Jelena Lieberberg

Jelena Lieberberg

Jelena Lieberberg lives and works in Berlin as a yoga teacher and alternative practitioner, singer, speaker, presenter and full-time mother.

In 2009 Jelena completed the Yoga Alliance certified training with Patricia Thielemann at Spirit Yoga Berlin. Since then, Jelena has been teaching a flowing, challenging and touchingly honest Vinyasa yoga style in individual and group sessions.

After training as a naturopath in 2012, Jelena increasingly moved towards a body-oriented practice, which has so far led her to further training in the Dorn/Breuss method, Tibetan massage and hypnotherapy. Since January 2014, Jelena has also been combining yoga and CrossFit. This allows athletes/crossfitters to gain more awareness of the alignment of their exercises. Jelena also writes a regular column “This.That.Asanas” for Yoga Journal Germany.