From involuntary weekend course to passionate teacher. 3 questions for Michael Trübger

From involuntary weekend course to passionate teacher. 3 questions for Michael Trübger

Yoga & Men. That is a topic in itself.

We asked Hamburg yoga teacher Michael Trübger how he got into yoga, what friends and family said about it and what his favorite look for the mat is.

Michael Trüber and Claudia Uhrig at the Yogidays 2018 in Hamburg

Michael and Claudia Uhrig at the Yogidays 2018 in Hamburg

When and how did you first come into contact with yoga and when did you realize that you wanted to teach yourself?

I had my first contact with yoga in 2003 in the form of a classic beginners course over a weekend in Berlin. The focus here was the first Ashtanga series. This weekend only got going because of the clear insistence of my girlfriend at the time. Although I felt very out of place and of course didn't achieve much on the mat, the whole thing was so good for me that I decided to stick with it.

The desire to teach actually came later in the course of the 200 hours. Education. I simply wanted to develop more closeness and depth to the practice, i.e. teach less from the beginning.

Yoga is seen here more as a “women’s sport”. How did those around you react to the fact that you wanted to become a yoga teacher?

In my environment there are actually fewer such opinions. The whole thing was exotic, but the term “women’s sport” wasn’t mentioned ;-)
Over the years, interest from friends and acquaintances has increased somewhat, primarily due to health issues - but I was hardly able to inspire anyone from my own ranks for the yoga cosmos. On the other hand, I have never tried to proselytize. Nevertheless, I am always very happy when someone shares my enthusiasm for yoga, meditation or related practices.

What is your favorite look for the yoga mat?

I'm currently developing the whimsy of wearing my own T-shirts with meaningful claims. But generally I like to wear loose, mid-length pants and either tank or regular tees.

You can find information about Michael and his events on his homepage .

You can also simply follow him on Instagram and Facebook .